Transformation Course

Limited to 10 people

This will be an in-depth yoga training fall course for a small intimate group.

Multi level: Beginner through Advanced practice and teachers.

Whatever your current level of knowledge and experience are this course will take you to the next level. 

This course will be life changing for all whatever your experience level! 

  • -[4] one-hour private sessions with Gary personally tailored to the individual students.

    -Initial Inveterview + Introduction

    -Initial Meditation Training (prior to the course starting)

    -2 Private Sessions based on the needs of the student (posture, yoga, breath-work, or meditation)

    -4 Saturday Group Sessions 1:30-6:30 PM

    Approximately a 35 hour course over a 2-3 month period

    -[3] Kriya Yoga Classes

    -Group meditations/discussions about consciousness, klashas, ego/self god.

    -Key yoga history and philosophy

    -[3] interactive posture clinics

  • This course runs for 4 total Saturdays 1:30-6:30PM

    (30min break between session all 1:30-6 times)

  • [1] Raja Yoga is the yoga of Patanjali. It is the most mental of the 8 systems of yoga, dealing with the workings of the mind. The goal of Raja yoga is to use the whole mind.

    [2] Kriya means complete action. The Hamsa Hatha Kriya is a transformational pranayama experience, offering the inhale to the exhale, thus decarbonizing the body. Hamsa is swan in Sanskrit, which means transformational. Paramahansa Yogananda called the Hamsa Kriya the airplane route to self realization.

  • Regular Price


“What I can say is that I'm now closer to the best version of me. The soul that has always been there, aided by Yoga to unearth itself.”

-Camilo Morena

This course will consist of personal/ individual designed programs for each students needs. There will be private meditation training tailored to the individual student’s experience and needs.

Basic tm training through the “powers sutras” of Patanjali. Private and semi private time with Gary, class instruction, small group trainings, Meditations, Kriya Yoga classes, Posture Clinics, key yoga history, philosophy and Raja discussions.

Real Life Transformation Stories from Past Sessions

  • I signed up for the summer series because I wanted to take my practice to the next level and I learn more about TM.

    It turned out to exceed my expectations across the board! I had been trying to incorporate a true meditation practice (TM) into my routine for years so the training kickstarted that effort. The 1:1 time with Gary was super helpful in regards to answering my questions in starting a TM meditation practice.

    The posture clinic helped me dial in and really improve my yoga practice. This was great in that it provided personal attention to the postures and pointed out where I could improve in my practice and do no harm.

    The reading of "The Heart of Yoga" was educational in my quest for more knowledge on my yoga journey. It was super helpful because it all applies to the teaching at GO Yoga.

    The listening and exposure to Bhagavad Gita (for the first time) provided me with another piece of the puzzle on my spiritual journey.

    The Kriya yoga was emotional and challenging but I'm finding it is also helping my meditation practice.

    I would highly recommend this training to new students and experienced students! It has set me on a path for continued growth to be a better human and serve others.

  • I took the Yoga Transformation course to deepen my practice by learning more about Yoga besides Asana, and the intention to live life with greater awareness and acceptance.

    Fortunately, the course gave me many gifts and revelations. After a decade of attempts, I now have a meditation practice that I'm satisfied with.

    My Asana practice improved from the posture clinics and renewed my motivation to practice with intent and discover new depths.

    The Kriya classes were potent and unlocked a serenity and awareness that serves as a powerful reference in my day-to-day.

    The communal aspect of the course cemented these lessons and prompted new perspectives that I hadn’t considered. Growing together with my peers was as enriching as the lessons themselves.

    Finally, the course also helped me evaluate my relationship with my Creator. It wasn't something I was expecting, but I welcome this reflection and believe everyone would benefit from this contemplation regardless of belief and creed.

    I cannot say I'm a different person after the course. What I can say is that I'm now closer to the best version of me.

    The soul that has always been there, aided by Yoga to unearth itself.

  • This course far surpassed my expectations and not only has it changed my life but it has also changed the lens in which I view life. I was looking for something that I could feel actually transformed by, and this was it.

    Gary's knowledge, kindness, wisdom, guidance and support was next level.

    I felt nourished spiritually through learning TM ( transcendental meditation), guided physically through the Asana practice, transformed through the Kriya breathwork sessions and stimulated intellectually through the teachings of true yoga.

    This course provided a safe container to be vulnerable, to learn, grow, evolve and expand consciousness.

    Embarking on the transformation course is an act of self-love, self-discovery, self-inquiry and I just can't recommend it enough


How do I get the most of Kriya?

Being present is going to be the ulitmate key for your kriya experience. That, and no judgement. Be free of judgement adn expectation. Simple experience the space and give it your all.

What’s the best way to prep for Kriya?

Hydration is key when coming to kriya, just like a hot class. Make sure you have been practicing your meditation the days leading up to kriya so you can be fully present.

What should I wear and bring?

Just the same as a hot class, a mat, towel, yoga wear and a water bottle.

What is the point of kriya?

To release.

What are the different types of kriya?

While there are other types of kriya practiced around the world, we practice Hamsa Hatha Kriya. Based on the belief that individuals are microcosms of the cosmos, reflecting a universe within.

Emphasizes the role of breath (Kriya) in activating every action, symbolizing the unity of individual and supreme self.

How do I recover from Kriya?

Drink plenty of water. Schedule the next morning for yourself to reflect on your experience. Journal and find a place of solitude to unpack what may have come up for you.