
Julie Larson

Julie took her first yoga class as part of a bet. In 2000, while struggling to finish the final set of reps at the gym, Julie made a bet with her trainer: if she completed the set, the trainer had to take a Bikram class with her. She finished the set, and off to Bikram they went. 

It was love at first pose for Julie—until she found herself in a power class and learned the combination of the two couldn’t be beat. But years later, when she moved back to Eastern Washington, Julie found herself in a town with no hot yoga classes. When a studio finally opened and put out a call for instructors, Julie stepped up. Six years later and back in the Seattle area, Julie is still teaching.

Her classes and teaching style are best described as “positive, present and powerful.” Her goal is for yogis to let go of their day and take 60-75 minutes to just breathe and be in the moment during her classes. Then, she hopes, they take that feeling with them outside of the studio, and share their peaceful, positive selves with all those they encounter. 

Teaching, and instilling a belief in self, is Julie’s passion. Julie has been an elementary school teacher for 27 years and currently teaches fourth grade in the Lake Washington School District. “I teach students all day long, and making sure they believe in themselves is something I am passionate about. If students have confidence in themselves, it gives them freedom to explore, be creative, and celebrate their individualities.” This goes for 4th graders and yogis!

Outside of all her classrooms, Julie enjoys being by the water and spends her free time traveling, attending sporting events and hanging out with family and friends.


400 hours Ashram teacher training

200 hours hatha certification

Raja, Andre Lappa, Edward Clark’s Tripsicory, and Baron Baptiste trainings